英才汇聚 理想启航
Gathering of Talents, Launch of Dreams
2022 Winter International Young Mathematician Forum
@Department of Mathematics, SHU
Mathematics is the base of all other sciences. The immenseness of the universe, the tininess of the particles, the rapidity of the rockets, the delicacy of the chemistry, the alterations of the earth, the mystery of the creatures, and even the miscellaneousness of our daily lives, we use mathematics to explore everything in the world. It has provided essential support for aerospace engineering, national defense, biomedical engineering, information technology, energy industry, marine science, artificial intelligence, and advanced manufacturing. As a part for the Shanghai University Leagues Forum for International Young Scholars, the 2022 Winter International Young Mathematician Forum at Department of Mathematics, SHU will provide exchange opportunities on the cutting-edge achievements and development trends in mathematics, gather outstanding international young mathematicians, and build a world-class academic interaction platform to motivate idea collisions and research collaborations.
The forum will invite renowned international young scholars to attend an online "cloud TALK" on November 20th, 2022. The “could TALK” will bring the scholars face-to-face communications to exchange the latest research trends, promote interdisciplinary collaboration, introduce outstanding young talents and facilitate development of mathematical sciences and technologies. The Forum is hosted by Shanghai University, and undertaken by the Department of Mathematics, College of Science of SHU.
一、理学院简介 Profile of The College of Sciences
The College of Sciences of Shanghai University committed to develop top professionals in science and set up international institutes at the academic frontier of science. Our mission is to build a world-leading fundamental research-oriented college with its own distinctiveness, and to nurture excellent professionals with advanced global visions, outstanding originality as well as academic specialization in science. The college consists of the Department of Mathematics, the Department of Physics, the Department of Chemistry, Nano-Science and Technology Research Center, and Institute of Sustainable Energy. We have postdoctoral research stations in mathematics and physics, and offer first-level doctorate and master’s degree programs in mathematics, physics, and chemistry, master’s degree program in statistics, as well as undergraduate programs in pure and applied mathematics, information and computational sciences, applied physics, electronic and information engineering, and applied chemistry. Our faculty team is mainly composed of a group of excellent young scholars, leaded by National excellent talents, including academicians and Distinguished Young Scholars funded by National Science.
二、数学系简介 Profile of The Department of Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics is the home of 109 well qualified individuals, 93 of who are full-time faculty members. The faculty team has 29 professors, 36 doctoral advisors, 28 associate professors, 1 Double hired academician, 3 national leading talents including Distinguished Young Scholars, 9 Shanghai municipal talents. Every member under 50 has a doctoral degree, 95% of who are overseas graduates or have overseas research experiences. The Department has over 500 undergraduates, 200 graduates, and 60 doctoral candidates. The Department of Mathematics offers first-level doctoral program in mathematics, first-level master’s program in mathematics and, master’s program in statistics. It also has a mathematical postdoctoral research station. The discipline of Mathematics is a Shanghai municipal education commission key discipline, a Shanghai key discipline, a Shanghai first-class discipline, and a Shanghai plateau discipline. In addition, Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Systems Science, Institute of Core Mathematical Research of Shanghai University, Shanghai University Open Laboratory for Operations Research & Optimization, International Research Center for Tensor and Matrix Theory of Shanghai University, and Institute of Systems Science of Shanghai University are all affiliated to the Department of Mathematics.
2022年 USNEWS(《美国新闻和世界报导》)全球最佳大学数学学科排名上海大学位居第103;美国ESI数据库最新数据,全球前1%的数学研究机构有333个,上海大学排第154,进入全球前4.62‰行列。近年来数学系每年有近300位国内外著名专家学者前来讲学交流,包括菲尔兹奖得主Zelmanov和Birkar等30多位海内外院士来上海大学数学系访问和科学合作研究。主办或承办了大型国内外学术会议50多次。近五年来,数学学科在国际重要学术期刊Comm. Pur. Appl. Math.、Adv. Math., Arch. Ration. Mech. An., SIAM Review, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Automatica,J. Algebra, J. Comput. Phys., SIAM J. Numer. Anal., SIAM. J. Appl. Math., SIAM J. Optim., Math. Program., 等上发表或接受SCI收录的学术论文近600篇;新增国家自然科学基金项目55项。
In 2022, the Department of Mathematics of SHU is ranked 103th in the best global Mathematics Programs by US News Rankings of Universities in the World. According to the latest data from Essential Science Indicators database, 333 mathematical research institutions are recognized as world’s top 1%, among which, Shanghai University ranks 154, entering the top 4.62‰ in the world. In recent years, The Department of Mathematics hosts nearly 300 academic talks every year for extensive academic exchanges and research collaborations. Among the speakers, there are more than 30 domestic and foreign academicians, including Fields Medalists – Zelmanov and Birkar. Besides, the Department of Mathematics has hosted or undertook more than 50 grand international academic conferences. In the past five years, the faculty members of Department of Mathematics have published or accepted nearly 600 academic papers on top-tier international academic journals, such as Comm. Pur. Appl. Math.、Adv. Math., Arch. Ration. Mech. An., SIAM Review, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Automatica,J. Algebra, J. Comput. Phys., SIAM J. Numer. Anal., SIAM. J. Appl. Math., SIAM J. Optim., and Math. Program. Moreover, we have received 55 NSFC grants in the past five years.
三、主题 Theme
Attending scholars will focus on the frontiers of development in the fields of mathematics, discussing research hotspots and key problems in mathematics.
四、邀请对象 Targets of Invitation
1. Excellent young scholars with doctorate degrees and two or more consecutive years of full-time or post-doctoral research experiences, who demonstrated excellence in their research specializations.
2. Excellent young scholars with full-time teaching or research positions in universities or scientific research institutions, who demonstrated excellence in their research specializations, or have potential abilities in research.
3. We prefer applicants under age 40. Exceptions will be given to applicants with full-time assistant professor or higher level positions, who have overseas post-doctoral or tenure-track research experiences, or other strong evidence in research abilities.
We warmly welcome qualified scholars from all over the world, who are interested in joining the Department of Mathematics and growing up together with Shanghai University.
五、日程安排 Agenda
日期 |
时间 |
论坛内容 |
11月19日 |
全天 |
2022数学前沿进展国际会议 |
11月20日 |
8:30-9:00 |
开幕式 |
9:00-11:00 |
论坛报告 |
11:00-11:30 |
互动交流 |
14:00-16:00 |
论坛报告 |
16:00-16:30 |
互动交流 |
Date |
Time |
Contents |
November 19 |
Full day |
ICCPM 2022 |
November 20 |
8:30-9:00 |
Opening Ceremony |
9:00-11:00 |
Reports |
11:00-11:30 |
Discussion |
14:00-16:00 |
Reports |
16:00-16:30 |
Discussion |
六、报名方式 How to apply
1)有意参会者请于2022年11月15日之前通过邮件将个人简历和报告摘要发送至 jcsun@shu.edu.cn,邮件主题为“上海大学数学学科国际青年学者论坛-姓名”。
Those who intend to attend the forum are expected to send the CV (from bachelor degree,with personal photo attached) and report abstract to jcsun@shu.edu.cn before November 15th, 2022 with subject “Winter International Young Mathematician Forum at SHU -Name”.
2)有意参会者还可以从 https://www.wjx.top/vm/ORpGvSl.aspx 提交报名申请或识别下方的二维码,注册并提交报名申请。
You can also visit https://www.wjx.top/vm/ORpGvSl.aspx or scan the barcode below to register and apply for the Forum.
After reviewing the qualification of the applicants, the Department of mathematics will send official invitation letters to qualified ones before November 16th, 2022.
七、联系方式 Contact
孙建才(Sun, Jiancai)
(+86-21-66133906, jcsun@shu.edu.cn)