The 2016 China-Korea International Conference on Matrix Theory with Applications (IRCTMT-AORC joint meeting) took place on December 28-31, 2016 at New Lehu Hotel of Shanghai University. The conference was sponsored by Gaoyuan Discipline of Shanghai and the Applied Algebra and Optimization Research Center (AORC) from Sungkyunkwan University. This is the first joint meeting co-organized by the two research centers IRCTMT and AORC. There were about 150 participants from different countries and regions including Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Russia, Singapore, the USA, and Hong Kong, Taiwan, mainland China. The conference was opened by the keynote speaker, Béla Szokefalvi-Nagy Medal winner, Tsuyoshi Ando from the Hokkaido University discussing "Square inequality and strong order relation". There were 56 talks arranged in the four-day conference. More conference pictures, talk schedule, and titles and abstracts are available at the website:
The next AORC-IRCTMT joint meeting will be held at Sungkyunkwan University in December (exact date to be announced).