Seminar No.1411 Frobenius manifolds and Frobenius algebra-valued integrable systems

创建时间:  2017年04月01日 00:00  谭福平   浏览次数:   

Title: Frobenius manifolds and Frobenius algebra-valued integrable systems
Speaker: Prof.  Zuo, Dafeng (University of Science and Technology of China)
Time: 2017-4-6 (Thu.) 10:00
Place: G507
Invitor: Prof. Zhang, Dajun

Abstract:The notion of integrability will often extend from systems with scalar-valued ields to systems with algebra-valued fields. In such extensions the properties of, and structures on, the algebra play a central role in ensuring integrability is preserved. In this talk based on a joint work with Ian strachan, a new theory of Frobenius algebra-valued integrable systems is developed. This is achieved for systems derived from Frobenius manifolds by utilizing the theory of tensor products for such manifolds, as developed by Kaufmann (Int Math Res Not 19:929–952, 1996), Kontsevich and Manin (Inv Math 124: 313–339, 1996). By specializing this construction, using a fixed Frobenius algebra A, one can arrive at such a theory. More generally, one can apply the same idea to construct an A-valued topological quantum field theory. The Hamiltonian properties of two classes of integrable evolution equations are then studied: dispersionless and dispersive evolution equations. Application of these ideas are discussed, and as an example, an A-valued modified Camassa–Holm equation is constructed.

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