【学术经历】含学历和工作经历 现为上海大学数学系 教授; 1990 年获波兰 Mickiewicza 大学数学博士学位; 1987 年获哈尔滨工业大学大学数学硕士学位; 1982 年获哈尔滨科技大学大学数学学士学位。 【研究领域】 泛函分析、求和法。现主要兴趣集中于空间理论与偏微分方程的应用。 【学术成就】 1982 年起从事泛函分析的研究工作,主要工作集中于 Orlicz 空间理论及其应用。为我国继波兰之后成为世界上的第二个 Orlicz 空间理论研究中心做出了艰苦的努力 ,1995 年被机械工业部授予其有突出贡献科技专家称号, 1996 年被机械工业部任命为"跨世纪学科带头人"。 【学术兼职】 全国泛函分析 — 空间理论与应用组 联络员 【科研项目】 国家自然科学基金 : 项目 (NSF#19971022) 主持人, 项目名称:一类赋范空间中的紧集、有限逼近、切片及其应用 , 起迄时间: 2000.01.01-2002.12 资助金额: 8.0 万元。 【Teaching courses】 高等数学(本科生课程) 泛函分析(硕士生课程) 空间理论(硕士生课程) 【研究生培养】 董鸽(在读博士生)李敏飞(在读硕士生) 葛双印(在读硕士生)张品(硕士生) 刘玉霞(硕士生)张剑臣(硕士生) 边淑荣(硕士生)刘莉芳(硕士生、博后出站) 张若君(硕士生) 【Publications】 [1] Orlicz spaces with Orlicz norm that are uniformly rotund in the direction of weak sets,Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Vol.8, N0 2, (2004), 343-359. [2] (with B.Lin) Noncreasy and uniformly noncreasy Orlicz function spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. , 287(2003), 253-264. [3] (with H. Yao, T.Wang) The Uniform Rotundity in the Direction of Weakly Compact Sets for Orlicz Spaces, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, (2000)24:667-677. [4] (with B.Lin) Some results related to metric projections in Orlicz spaces with Orlicz norm, SCM Vol.3, No.2(2000),Japenica, 289-297. [5] Denting points and drop property in Orlicz spaces with Orlicz norm, Acta Sci. Math.,(Szeged)63(1997),513-532. [6] (with B.Lin) On \beta-property of Orlicz spaces,C.R. Acad.Bulgare Sciences,v.52, No.3-4(1999), 9-12. [7] (with B.Lin) some structures related to metric projections in Orlicz spaces, Colloq. Math., 81 (1999), no. 2, 223-235. ( Poland ) [8] (with T.Wang) On the packing spheres of some sequence spaces, Analysis, 17(1997),379-389 (Germany) (德国) [9] (with B.Lin) On complete continuity property of Orlicz spaces, Coll. Math., 48,4-6(1997), 673-677, (Spain) (西班牙) [10] (with B.Lin) Denting points and drop property in Orlicz spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 201(1996), 252-273. (USA) (美国) [11] (with T.Wang, C.Hao) On WM points of Orlicz function spaces, Coll. Math., 47:2(1996), 117-136. (Spain) (西班牙) [12] (with T.Wang) On the smoothness of Orlicz sequence spaces, Coll. Math., 47:2(1996), 105-109. (Spain) (西班牙) [13] (with T.Wang, Y.Cui) Uniform rotundity in every direction of Orlicz spaces with Orlicz norm, Comm. Math., (Prace Mate.) 35(1995), 245-262. (Poland) (波兰) [14] (with T.Wang, M.Li) On U and MU points of Orlicz function spaces equipped with Orlicz norm, Functiones et Approximation, Comm. Math., XIII(1994), 42-58. CMP(1995)16:46E. (Poland) (波兰) [15] (with T.Wang, D.Ji) The criteria of strong exposed points in Orlicz spaces, Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae, 35:4(1994), 721-734. CMP(1995)9:46E. (Czech) (捷克) [16] (With T.Wang, G.Chen) Orlicz sequence spaces endowed with Orlicz norm that are uniformly rotund in every direction, Acta Sci. Math., 59(1994), 195-208. MR#95h:46029. (Hungary) [17] (with T.Wang) On the locally uniformly weak star rotundity of Orlicz spaces, Revista Mate., 7:1(1994), 79-98. MR#95I:460932. (Spain) [18] (with T.Wang) Some notes on Orlicz spaces, Fas. Math., 24(1994), 5-11, MR#95I:46033, (Poland) [19] (with T.Wang) On the uniformly normal structure of Orlicz spaces equipped with Orlicz norm, Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae, 34:3(1993), 433-442. MR#94h: 46044, (Czech) [20] (with T.Wang, Q.Wang) On W*UR points and UR points of Orlicz spaces equipped with Orlicz norm, Coll. Math., 44(1993), 279-299, (Spain) |