电子邮箱:xi_dongmeng AT shu.edu.cn; dongmeng.xi AT live.com
隶属于几何分析,主要研究凸几何与积分几何中的分析问题。主要成果包括:将 Aleksandrov 变分法引入积分几何研究,建立了弦幂积分的变分公式,证明了积分几何中 Minkowski 问题的弱解存在性;此类 Minkowski 问题在方程中对应了收敛到 sigma_k 型算子的一族 Monge-Ampere 型算子。完整解决了 2 维 Dar 猜想,并建立了 2 维非对称凸体的 log-Brunn-Minkowski 不等式。建立了 Orlicz Brunn-Minkowski 不等式。构造了高斯概率空间中的几何测度,部分解决了高斯 Minkowski 问题解的存在唯一性。至 2023 年,在 Minkowski 型问题、等周问题与分析不等式方面发表论文 20 篇,主要成果发表在 Comm. Pure Appl. Math.、J. Differential Geom.、Math. Ann.、Adv. Math.、Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.、J. Func. Anal.、Int. Math. Res. Not.、J. London Math. Soc. 等上。
2008 年毕业于江苏大学,冶金工程专业,获工学学士学位。
2012 年毕业于广西民族大学获理学硕士学位, 师从蓝师义教授。
2015 年 10 月于上海大学获理学博士学位,师从冷岗松教授。
2014-2015 年于美国纽约大学,联合培养博士,师从 Lutwak, Yang, and Zhang (张高勇)。
2023 年 10 月至今:上海大学,教授。
博士后创新人才支持计划,BX201600035,Logarithmic Minkowski问题与相关仿射等周问题,2016.10-2018.10,已结题,主持。
Erwin Lutwak,
Dongmeng Xi*, Deane Yang, Gaoyong Zhang. Chord Measures and Minkowski
Problems, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. In press.
Lujun Guo, Dongmeng
Xi*, Yiming Zhao, The Lp chord Minkowski problem in a critical interval,
Math. Ann. published online: 20 September 2023. (doi.org/10.1007/s00208-023-02721-8)
Yong Huang, Jiaqian
Liu, Dongmeng Xi*, Yiming Zhao, Dual curvature measures for log-concave
functions, J. Differential Geom. In press.
Dongmeng Xi
and Gangsong Leng. Dar’s conjecture and the log-Brunn-Minkowski inequality,
J. Differential Geom. 103 (2016) 145-189.
Dongmeng Xi,
Hailin Jin, and Gangsong Leng. The Orlicz Brunn-Minkowski inequality,
Adv. Math. 260 (2014) 350-374.
Ai-Jun Li, Dongmeng
Xi, and Gaoyong Zhang, Volume inequalities of convex bodies from
cosine transforms on Grassmann manifolds. Adv. Math. 304 (2017),
Dongmeng Xi,
Yiming Zhao. General affine invariances related to Mahler volume. Int. Math. Res.
Not. 2022,
no. 18, 14151-14180.
Yong Huang, Dongmeng
Xi, Yiming Zhao. The Minkowski Problem in the Gaussian probability
space. Adv. Math. Volume 385, 16
July 2021, 107769.
Youjiang Lin and
Dongmeng Xi. Affine
Orlicz Pólya–Szegö Principles and Their Equality Cases.
Int. Math. Res. Not. 2021, no. 9, 7159–7204.
Yuchi Wu, Dongmeng
Xi, Gangsong Leng. On the discrete Orlicz Minkowski problem.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 371 (2019) 1795-1814.
Qingzhong Huang, Ai-Jun Li, Dongmeng Xi, Deping Ye. On
the sine polarity and the Lp-sine Blaschke-Santaló inequality. J. Funct. Anal. 283 (2022), no. 6, Paper
No. 109571, 32 pp.
Gangsong Leng,
Chang Liu, Dongmeng Xi. Reconstruction problems of convex bodies
from surface area measures and lightness functions. Canad. J. Math.
Published online (2022), 1-26.
Youjiang Lin and
Dongmeng Xi. Orlicz affine isoperimetric inequalities for star bodies.
Adv. App. Math. (2022) 134: 10230.
Dongmeng Xi and Zhenkun Zhang. The Lp Brunn-Minkowski inequalities for
dual quermassintegrals. Proc.
Amer. Math. Soc. 150 (2022), no.
7, 3075-3086.
Yingying Lou,
Dongmeng Xi, and Zhenbing Zeng. Further inequalities and properties
of p-inner parallel bodies. Canad. J. Math. 74
(2022), no. 2, 368-380.
Dongmeng Xi,
Lujun Guo, and Gangsong Leng. Affine inequalities for Lp mean zonoids,
Bull. London Math. Soc. 46 (2014) 367-378.
Xi and Jin Li, Lecture notes on Functional Analysis.