Qing-Wen Wang

创建时间:  1993年12月14日 00:00  谭福平   浏览次数:   

Welcome to Wang Qing-Wen's Homepage

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Email: wqw@shu.edu.cn

Office: F521

Corresponding Address:
Dept. of Mathematics,
Shanghai University
99 Shangda Road, Shanghai, 200444, P.R. China

Qing-Wen Wang was born in Shandong Province, China. His specialty is Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. He was received Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics from University of Science and Technology of China. He is a full professor and a supervisor of Ph.D. students of Shanghai University. Dr. Wang has published more than 140 articles in the fields of matrix algebra, linear algebra, operator algebra, quantum computing, and statistics. He has published six books by Scientific Press (Beijing), Higher Education Press (Beijing), World Academic Union (UK), and so on. Research has been sponsored by NWO of the Netherlands, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, etc. In 2012, he was selected to Shanghai Leading Talent. In 2013, he won the first prize of Shanghai Municipal Outstanding Teaching Achievement Award, and the third prize of Shanghai Nature Science Award, respectively. In 2018, he won the first prize of Shanghai Municipal Outstanding Teaching Achievement Award again. In 2020, he won the second prize of Guangxi Nature Science Award and the first Wu Xinghua Prize in Mathematics, respectively, and was listed on the "World's Top 2% Scientists 2020" by Stanford University and Elsevier. In addition, he has also been recognized as a Chinese Highly Cited Researcher for seven consecutive years from 2014 to 2020 by Elsevier. So far, he has served as the president of the Chinese Higher Education Association's Specialized Committee for Education Mathematics since 2018, and awarded the Weichang Scholar since 2020.

Teaching Courses

Bachelor Degree Courses

1. Higher algebra
(Shanghai Municipality Excellent Course)

2. Linear algebra
(First batch of national first-class undergraduate courses)

3. Probability theory

4. Matrix and tensor

5. Abstract algebra

6.  The explorations and discoveries of mathematics
 (Shanghai Municipality Key Course)

Master Degree Courses

1.    Matrix theory

2.    Higher matrix algebra

3.    Representation of groups and algebras

4.    Commutative algebra

5.    Classical groups

6.    Lie groups

7.    Matrix equations

   PhD Degree Courses

8.  Algebra

9.  Matrix analysis

10.Quantum computing

DSC_3506 students2016-9-9


Graduated PhD Students

1. Yu Shaowen

2. Chang Haixia

3. Zhang Huasheng

4. Zhang Qin

5. Wu Zhongcheng

6. Song Guangjing

7. Dong Changzhou

8. Bao Yubao

9.   Israr Ali Khan

10. Jiang Jing

11. Zhang Xiang

12. Yu Guihai

13. Wang Li

14. Liu Xin

15. Lin Yong

16. Yu Juan

17. Abdur Rehman

18. He Zhuoheng

19. Li Lei

20. Huang Shaowu

21. Nie Xiangrong

22. Liu Juntong

23. Xu Xiangjian

24. Adda Farouk

25. Li Tao

26. Zhang Xinfang


Graduated Master Students

1.   Yu Shaowen

2.   Chang Haixia

3.   Qin Feng

4.   Wu Huayu

5.   Wu Zhongcheng

6.   Song Guangjing

7.   Zhang Fei

8.   Li Chengkun

9.   Zhou Yan

10. Ding Yuhan

11. Ren Xingwei

12. Liu Xin

13. Nie Xiangrong

14. Yan Shujun

15. Di Meijing

16. Zheng Junqing

17. Zhu Hongyi

18. Zhang Xia

19. Hu Renjie

20. He Zhuoheng

21. Chen Di

22. Guan Yu

23. Xu Huan

24. Ding Xiufang

25. Wang Ziwen

26. Deng Zhaohua

27. Li Jing

28. Shi Zhiwei

29. Qin Yangyang

30. Xu Jinwei

31. Yang Xiaoxiao

32. He Zhentao

33. Li Jie

34. Li Yijun

35. Sun Fangfang

36. Xie Mengyan

37. Deng Ye

38. Liu Jialing

39. Kuai Ligang

40. Wang Huihui

41. Wu Yiling

42. Wu Huayu

43. Kang Simo

44. Lv Ruyuan

45. Wang Xiangxiang

46. Wang Xiao

47. Zhang Chongquan

48. Xie Lvming

49. Meng Qun

50. Yuan Weijie


1.  Duan Xuefeng

2.  Zhang Jiao

3.  Sun Jiangcai

4.  Yuan Shifang

5.  Tong Zhaojia

6.  Wang Yuchao

7.  Song Caiqin

8.  Peng Jingjing

9.  Duanmei Zhou

10. Zhu Huihui

Visitor Scholars


1. Prof. Ning Qun (Suzhou University)

2. Prof. Lian Dezhong (Longyan University, Fujian)

3. Prof. Zhang Xiang (Guizhou Normal University)

4. Professor Edgar Pereira (University of Beira Interior, 6200-001 Covilha, Portugal)

5. Professor Özlem Esen (Anadolu University, Yunusemre Kampusu, Turkey)

Current PhD Students

1. Zhang Chongquan

2. Xie Lvming

3.  Ikram Ouziala

4.  Liu Longsheng

5.  Xie Mengya

6.  Mahmoud Saad Menany

7.  Aqsa Khalid

Current Master Students

1.  Wang Ruonan

2.   Xu Yangfan

3.  Chen Xueying

4.  Qin Jing

5.  Xu Xile

6.  Chen Jiangfeng

7.  Chen Yan

8.  Zhang Yue

9.  Si Kaiwen


Teaching Award

Building an Overpass of Cultivating Mathematics Literacy in Universities and Middle Schools Based on the Mathematics Practice Station

The first prize of Shanghai Municipal Outstanding Teaching Achievement Award 2018


Current Research Interests

  • Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory
  • Operator Algebra
  • Numerical Linear Algebra
  • Quantum  Computating
  • Linear Model

Selected Published Books (2010-Present)

  1. Q.W. Wang, J.S. Yang, etc., The Guidance for Linear Algebra, Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2016.
  2. Q.W. Wang, The key ideas of linear algebra with applications, Scientific Press, Beijing, 2012.
  3. Q.W. Wang, J.S. Yang, etc., Linear Algebra, Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2012.
  4. E.X. Jiang, Q.W. Wang, C.Q. Gu, Q. Zhang, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Matrix Theory and its Applications, Volume 1-4, World Academic Union, UK, 2010.

Selected Published Papers (2002-Present)

1. Q.W. Wang, X.J. Xu, X.F. Duan, Least squares solution of the quaternion Sylvester tensor equation, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 69 (1) (2021) 104–130.

2. X.F. Duan, S.Q. Duan, J. Li, J.f. Li, Q.W. Wang, An efficient algorithm for solving the nonnegative tensor least squares problem, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., (2021) DOI: 10.1002/nla.2385.

3. L. Li, Q.W. Wang, S.Q. Shen, M. Li, Quantum coherence measures based on Fisher information with applications, Phys. Rev. A, 103 (1) (2021) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.103.012401.

4. T. Li, Q.W. Wang, X.F. Zhang, Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting methods for solving a tensor equation, Int. J. Comput. Math., 98 (6) (2021) 1274–1290.

5. S. Dong, Q.W. Wang, More Generalizations of Hartfiel's Inequality and the Brunn-Minkowski Inequality, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc., 47 (1) (2021) 21–29.

6. X.F. Duan, J. Li, S.Q. Duan, Q.W. Wang, Numerical method for the generalized nonnegative tensor factorization problem, Numer. Algorithms, 87 (2) (2021) 499–510.

7. Q.W. Wang, X. Wang, A system of coupled two-sided Sylvester-type tensor equations over the quaternion algebra, Taiwanese J. Math., 24 (6) (2020) 1399–1416.

8. Q.W. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Zhang, A constraint system of coupled two-sided Sylvester-like quaternion tensor equations, Comput. Appl. Math., 39 (4) (2020) DOI: 10.1007/s40314-020-01370-w.

9. M. Xie, Q.W. Wang, Reducible solution to a quaternion tensor equation, Front. Math. China, 15 (5) (2020) 1047–1070.

10. Q.W. Wang, R.Y. Lv, Y. Zhang, The least-squares solution with the least norm to a system of tensor equations over the quaternion algebra, Linear Multilinear Algebra,(2020) DOI: 10.1080/03081087.2020.177 9172.

11. X.F. Zhang, Q.W. Wang, T. Li, The accelerated overrelaxation splitting method for solving symmetric tensor equations, Comput. Appl. Math., 39 (3) (2020) DOI: 10.1007/s40314-020-01182-y.

12. T. Li, Q.W. Wang, X.F. Duan, Numerical algorithms for solving discrete Lyapunov tensor equation, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 370 (2020) DOI: 10.1016/j.cam.2019.112676.

13. Q.W. Wang, X.X. Wang, Arnoldi method for large quaternion right eigenvalue problem, J. Sci. Comput., 82 (3) (2020) DOI: 10.1007/s10915-020-01158-4.

14. D. Cvetkovic-Ilic, Q.W. Wang, Q. Xu, Douglas' plus Sebestyen's lemmas = a tool for solving an operator equation problem, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 482 (2) (2020) DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2019.123599.

15. C. Song, Q.W. Wang, Modified CGLS Iterative Algorithm for Solving the Generalized Sylvester-Conjugate Matrix Equation, Filomat, 34 (4) (2020) 1329–1346.

16. A. Farouk, Q.W. Wang, An Infinite Family of Hadamard Matrices Constructed From Paley Type Matrices, Filomat, 34 (3) (2020) 815–834.

17. Z. Chen, L. Cao, Q.W. Wang, The extreme points of certain polytopes of doubly substochastic matrices, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 68 (10) (2020) 1956-1971.

18. H.H. Zhu, Q.W. Wang, Weighted pseudo core inverses in rings, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 68 (12) (2020) 2434-2447.

19. L. Li, Q.W. Wang, S.Q. Shen, M. Li, Coherence measures based on coherence eigenvalue and their applications, Quantum Inf. Process., 18 (11) (2019) DOI: 10.1007/s11128-019-2461-9.

20. X. Liu, Q.W. Wang, Y. Zhang, Consistency of quaternion matrix equations AX*-XB=C and X-AX*B=C*, Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 35 (2019) 394–407.

21. L. Li, S.Q. Shen, M. Li, Q.W. Wang, Connection of coherence measure and unitary evolutions, Quantum Inf. Process., 18 (6) (2019) DOI: 10.1007/s11128-019-2304-8.

22. X.J. Xu, Q.W. Wang, Extending BiCG and BiCR methods to solve the

Stein tensor equation, Comput. Math. Appl., 77 (12) (2019) 3117-3127.

23. D. S. Cvetković-Ilić, J. N. Radenković, Q.W. Wang, Algebraic conditions for the solvability to some systems of matrix equations, Linear Multilinear Algebra, (2019) DOI: 10.1080/03081087.2019.16 33993.

24. L. Li, Y. N. Chen, M. Li, Q.W. Wang, L.Q. Qi, Computing the maximal violation of Bell Inequalities for Multipartite Qubit via Partially Symmetric Tensor, Int.J. Theor. Phys., 58 (4) (2019) 1161-1171.

25. Q.W. Wang, Z.H. He, Y. Zhang, Constrained two-sided coupled Sylvester-type quaternion matrix equations, Automatica, 101 (2019) 207–213.

26. Z.H. He, Q.W. Wang, Y. Zhang, A simultaneous decomposition for seven matrices with application, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 349 (2019) 93–113.

27. Q.W. Wang, X.J. Xu, Iterative algorithms for solving some tensor equations, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 67 (7) (2019) 1325–1349.

28. C.M. Li, X.F. Duan, L.Z. Lu, Q.W. Wang, S.Q. Shen, Iterative algorithm for solving a class of convex feasibility problem, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 352 (2019) 352-367.

29. Q.W. Wang, X.X. Yang, S.F. Yuan, The least square solution with the least norm to a system of quaternion matrix equations, Iran J. Sci. Technol. Trans. Sci., 42 (2018) 1317–1325.

30. Z.H. He, Q.W. Wang, Y. Zhang, The complete equivalence canonical form of four matrices over an arbitrary division ring, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 66 (1) (2018) 74–95.

31. Z.H. He, Q.W. Wang, Y. Zhang, A system of quaternary coupled Sylvester-type real quaternion matrix equations, Automatica, 87 (2018) 25–31.

32. F.O. Farid, X.R. Nie, Q.W. Wang, On the solutions of two systems of quaternion matrix equations, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 66 (12) (2018) 2355–2388.

33. S.W. Huang, Q.W. Wang, Y. Zhang, Equivalence on some Rotfel’d type theorems, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 66 (8) (2018) 1626–1632.

34. G.J. Song, Q.W. Wang, S.W. Yu, Cramer’s rule for a system of quaternion matrix equations with application, Appl. Math. Comput., 336 (2018) 490–499.

35. S.W. Huang, C.K. Li, Y.T. Poon, Q.W. Wang, Inequalities on generalized matrix functions, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 65 (10) (2017) 1947–1961.

36. J.T. Liu, Y.T. Poon, Q.W. Wang, A generalized Hölder type eigenvalue inequality, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 65 (10) (2017) 2145–2151.

37. A. Rehman, Q.W. Wang, I. Ali, M. Akram, M. O. Ahmad, A constraint system of generalized Sylvester quaternion matrix equations, Advances in Appl. Clifford Algebras, 27(4) (2017) 3183–3196.

38. J.T. Liu, Q.W. Wang, F.F. Sun, On Hayajneh and Kittaneh’s Conjecture on unitary invariant norm, J. Math. Inequal., 11 (4) (2017) 1019–1022.

39. S.F. Yuan, Q.W. Wang, Y.B. Yu, Y. Tian, On Hermitian solutions of the split quaternion matrix equation AXB+CXD=E, Advances in Appl. Clifford Algebras, 27 (4) (2017) 3235–3252.

40. L. Li, Q.W. Wang, S.Q. Shen, M. Li, Quantum-memory-assisted entropic uncertainty relations under weak measurements, Quantum Inf. Process., (2017) 16:188.

41. J.T. Liu, Q.W. Wang, L. Li, Uncertainty relation on generalized skew information with a monotone pair, Int. J. Theor. Phys., 56 (2017) 2423–2432.

42. S.W. Huang, Q.W. Wang, A note on Rotfel’d Theorem in a sector, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 65(8) (2017)1655–166.

43. J.T. Liu, Q.W. Wang, F.F. Sun, Determinant inequalities involving Hadamard product of positive definite matrices, Math. Inequal. Appl., 20 (2) (2017) 537–542.

44. X.R. Nie, Q.W. Wang, Y. Zhang, A system of matrix equations over the quaternion algebra with applications, Algebra Colloq., 24 (2) (2017) 233–253.

45. X. Liu, Q.W. Wang, The least squares Hermitian (anti)reflexive solution with the least norm to matrix equation, Math. Problems Engin., 2017, Article ID 9756035.

46. Z.H. He, Q.W. Wang, Y. Zhang, Simultaneous decomposition of quaternion matrices involving η-Hermicity with applications, Appl. Math. Comput., 298 (2017) 13–35.

47. Z.H. He, Q.W. Wang, A System of periodic discrete-time coupled Sylvester quaternion matrix equations, Algebra Colloq., 24 (1) (2017) 169–180.

48. Q.W. Wang, A. Rehman, Z.H. He, Y. Zhang, Constraint generalized Sylvester matrix equations, Automatica, 69 (2016) 60–64.

49. Z.H. He, O. M. Agudelo, Q.W. Wang, B.D. Moor, Two-sided coupled generalized Sylvester matrix equations solving using a simultaneous decomposition for fifteen matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 496 (2016) 549–593.

50. F.O. Farid, Z.H. He, Q.W. Wang, The consistency and the exact solutions to a system of matrix equations, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 64 (11) (2016) 2133–2158.

51. S.F. Yuan, Q.W. Wang, L-structured quaternion matrices and quaternion linear matrix equations, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 64 (2) (2016) 321–339.

52. L. Li, Q.W. Wang, S.Q. Shen, M. Li, Geometric measure of quantum discord with weak measurements, Quantum Inf. Process., 15 (1) (2016) 291–300.

53. L. Li, Q.W. Wang, S.Q. Shen, M. Li, Measurement-induced nonlocality based on Wigner-Yanase skew information, EPL, 114 (2016) 10007.

54. L. Wang, Q.W. Wang, Z.H. He, The Common Solution of Some Matrix Equations, Algebra Colloq., 23 (1) (2016) 71–81.

55. S.F. Yuan, Q.W. Wang, L-structured quaternion matrices and quaternion linear matrix equations, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 64 (2) (2016) 321–339.

56. L.J. Huang, Q.W. Wang, Y. Zhang, The Moore–Penrose inverses of matrices over quaternion polynomial rings, Linear Algebra Appl., 475 (2015) 45–61.

57. Z.H. He, Q.W. Wang, The general solutions to some systems of matrix equations, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 63 (10) (2015) 2017–2032.

58. A. Rehman, Q.W. Wang, Z. H. He, Solution to a system of real quaternion matrix equations encompassing η-Hermicity, Appl. Math. Comput., 265 (2015) 945–957.

59. Q.W. Wang, Z.H. He, Systems of coupled generalized Sylvester matrix equations, Automatica, 50 (2014) 2840–2844.

60. X.F. Duan, Q.W. Wang, C.M. Li, Positive definite solution of a class of nonlinear matrix equation, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 62 (6) (2014) 839–852.

61. S.F. Yuan, Q.W. Wang, Z.P. Xiong, The least squares eta-Hermitian problems of quaternion matrix equation, Filomat, 28 (6) (2014) 1153–1165.

62. G.H. Yu, L.H. Li, Q.W. Wang, The minimal positive index of inertia of signed unicyclic graphs, Ars Combinatoria, 117 (2014) 245–255.

63. G.J. Song, Q.W. Wang, On the weighted least-squares, the ordinary least-squares and the best linear unbiased estimators under a restricted growth curve model, Statistical Papers, 55 (2014) 375–392.

64. Z.H. He, Q.W. Wang, The η-bihermitian solution to a system of real quaternion matrix equations, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 62 (11) (2014) 1509–1528.

65. Q.W. Wang, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Algorithms for finding the roots of some quadratic octonion equations, Commun. Algebra, 42 (2014) 3267–3282.

66. J. Zhang, Q.W. Wang, An explicit formula for the generalized cyclic shuffle map, Canad. Math. Bull., 57 (1) (2014) 210–223.

67. X.F. Duan, J.F. Li, Q.W. Wang, X.J. Zhang, Low rank approximation of the symmetric positive semidefinite matrix, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 260 (2014) 236–243

68. J. Yu, Q.W. Wang, C.Z. Dong, (Anti-)Hamiltonian solution to a system of matrix equations, Math. Problems in Engin., Volume 2014, Article ID 539215.

69. Y. Lin, Q.W. Wang, Generalized reflexive and generalized anti-reflexive solutions to a system of matrix equations, J. Appl. Math., Volume 2014, Article ID 352327.

70. Q.W. Wang, Z.H. He, Solvability conditions and general solution for mixed Sylvester equations, Automatica, 49 (2013) 2713–2719.

71. X. Liu, Q.W. Wang, Equality of the BLUPs under the mixed linear model when random components and errors are correlated, J. Multi. Anal., 116 (2013) 297–309.

72. Q.W. Wang, X. Liu, The equalities of BLUPs for linear combinations under two general linear mixed models, Commun. Stati. Theor. Methods, 42 (2013) 3528–3543.

73. F. O. Farid, Israr Ali Khan, Q.W. Wang, On matrices over an arbitrary semiring and their generalized inverses, Linear Algebra Appl., 439 (2013) 2085–2105.

74. S.F. Yuan, Q.W. Wang, Z.P. Xiong, Linear parameterized inverse eigenvalue problem of bisymmetric matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 439 (2013) 1990–2007.

75. G.H. Yu, L.H. Feng, Q.W. Wang, Bicyclic graphs with small positive index of inertia, Linear Algebra Appl., 438 (5) (2013) 2036–2045.

76. X.F. Duan, Q.W. Wang, J.F. Li, On the Low-rank approximation arising in the generalized karhunen-loeve transform, Abstract Appl. Anal., 2013, Article ID 528281.

77. Z.H. He, Q.W. Wang, A real quaternion matrix equation with applications, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 61 (6) (2013) 725–740.

78. Y. Lin, Q.W. Wang, Iterative solution to a system of matrix equations, Abstract Appl. Anal., Volume 2013, Article ID 124979, DOI: 10.1155/2013/124979.

79. Q.W. Wang, Z.H. He, A system of matrix equations and its applications, Sci. China Math., 56 (9) (2013) 1795–1820.

80. N. Li, Q.W. Wang, Iterative algorithm for solving a class of quaternion matrix equation over the generalized (P,Q)-reflexive matrices, Abstract Appl. Anal., Volume 2013, Article ID 831656, DOI: 10.1155/2013/831656.

81. Q.W. Wang, J. Yu, On the generalized bi (skew-) symmetric solutions of a linear matrix equation and its Procrust problems, Appl. Math. Comput., 219 (2013) 9872–9884.

82. S.F. Yuan, Q.W. Wang, X.F. Duan, On solutions of the quaternion matrix equation AX=B and their applications in color image restoration, Appl. Math. Comput., 221 (2013) 10–20.

83. N. Li, Q.W. Wang, J. Jiang, An efficient algorithm for the reflexive solution of the quaternion matrix equation AXB+CXHD=F, J. Appl. Math., Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 217540.

84. S.F. Yuan, Q.W. Wang, X. Zhang, Least squares problem for the quaternion matrix equation AXB+CYD=E over different constrained matrices, Int. J. Comput. Math., 90 (3) (2013) 565–576.

85. Y. Lin, Q.W. Wang, Completing a 2 x 2 block matrix of real quaternions with a partial specified inverse, J. Appl. Math., Volume 2013, Article ID 271978, DOI: 10.1155/2013/271978.

86. H.X. Chang, X.F. Duan, Q.W. Wang, The Hermitian R-conjugate Procrustes problem, Abstract Appl. Anal., Volume 2013, Article ID 423605, DOI: 10.1155/2013/423605.

87. Q.W. Wang, Z.H. He, Some matrix equations with applications, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 60 (11-12) (2012) 1327–1353.

88. X. Zhang, Q.W. Wang, The solvability and the exact solution to a system of real quaternion matrix equations, Banach J. Math. Anal., 7 (2) (2013) 208–224.

89. X.F. Duan, Q.W. Wang, A.P. Liao, On the matrix equation arising in an interpolation problem, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 61 (9) (2013) 1192–1205.

90. Q.W. Wang, G.H. Yu, The least-square bisymmetric solution to a quaternion matrix equation with applications, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc., 39 (2) (2013) 239–257.

91. Q.W. Wang, X. Zhang, Z.H. He, On the Hermitian structures of the solution to a pair of matrix equations, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 61 (1) (2013) 73–90.

92. Q.W. Wang, J. Yu, Constrained solutions of a system of matrix equations, J. Appl. Math., Volume 2012, Article ID 471573, DOI: 10.1155/2012/471573.

93. X.F. Duan, Q.W. Wang, Perturbation analysis for the matrix equation, J. Appl. Math., Volume 2012, Article ID 784620, DOI: 10.1155/2012/784620.

94. C.Z. Dong, Q.W. Wang, The common positive solution to adjointable operators equations with an application, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 396 (2012) 670–679.

95. F. O. Farid, M. S. Moslehian, Q.W. Wang, Z.C. Wu, On the Hermitian solutions to a system of adjointable operator equations, Linear Algebra Appl., 437 (2012) 1854–1891.

96. C.Z. Dong, Q.W. Wang, Y.P. Zhang, On the Hermitian R-conjugate solution of a system of matrix equations, J. Appl. Math., Volume 2012, Article ID 398085, DOI: 10.1155/2012/398085.

97. Q.W. Wang, X. Zhang, J. W. van der Woude, A new simultaneous decomposition of a matrix quaternity over an arbitrary division ring with applications, Commun. Algebra, 40 (2012) 2309–2342.

98. S.F. Yuan, Q.W. Wang, Two special kinds of least squares solutions for the quaternion matrix equation AXB+CXD=E, Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 23 (2012) 257–274.

99. X. Zhang, Q.W. Wang, X. Liu, Inertias and ranks of some Hermitian matrix functions with applications, Cent. Eur. J. Math., 10 (1) (2012) 329–351.

100. Z.H. He, Q.W. Wang, Solutions to optimization problems on ranks and inertias of a matrix function with applications, Appl. Math. Comput., 219 (2012) 2989–300.

101. Q.W. Wang, S. W. Yu, Ranks of the common solution to some quaternion matrix equations with applications, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc., 38 (1) (2012) 131–157.

102. Q.W. Wang, J. W. van der Woude, S.W. Yu, An equivalence canonical form of a matrix triplet over an arbitrary division ring with applications, Sci. China Math., 54 (5) (2011) 907–924.

103. M.H. Lin, Q.W. Wang, Remarks on Hua’s matrix equality involving generalized inverse, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 59 (9) (2011) 1059–1067.

104. Israr Ali Khan, Q.W. Wang, The Drazin inverses in an arbitrary semiring, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 59 (9) (2011) 1019–1029.

105. Q.W. Wang, C.Z. Dong, The general solution to a system of adjointable operator equations over the Hilbert C*-modules, Operators Matrices, 5 (2) (2011) 333–350.

106. G.J. Song, Q.W. Wang, Positive and re-positive solutions to some systems of adjointable operator equations over Hilbert C*-modules, Electron. J. Linear Algebra, l22 (2011) 1070–1084.

107. G.J. Song, Q.W. Wang, Condensed Cramer rule for some restricted quaternion linear equations, Appl. Math. Comput., 218 (2011) 3110–3121.

108. Q.W. Wang, G.H. Yu, On the maximal nullity of unicyclic graphs with fixed girth, Utilitas Mathematics, 86 (2011) 217–223.

109. Q.W. Wang, X. Liu, S.W. Yu, The common bisymmetric nonnegative definite solutions with extreme ranks and inertias to a pair of matrix equations, Appl. Math. Comput, 218 (6) (2011) 2761–2771.

110. Q.W. Wang, Y. Zhou, Q. Zhang, Ranks of the common solution to six quaternion matrix equations, Acta Math. Appl. Sinica (English Series), 27 (3) (2011) 443–462.

111. Q. Zhang, Q.W. Wang, The (P,Q)-(skew)symmetric extremal rank solutions to a system of quaternion matrix equations, Appl. Math. Comput., 217 (2011) 9286–9296.

112. F. O. Farid, Q.W. Wang, Fuzhen Zhang, On the eigenvalues of quaternion matrices, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 59 (4) (2011) 451–473.

113. G.J. Song, Q.W. Wang, H.X. Chang, Cramer rule for the unique solution of restricted matrix equations over the quaternion skew field, Comput. Math. Appl., 61 (2011) 1576–1589.

114. D.Z. Lian, Q.W. Wang, Y. TangExtreme ranks of a partial banded block quaternion matrix expression subject to some matrix equations with applications, Algebra Colloq., 18 (2) (2011) 333–346.

115. Q.W. Wang, Jing Jiang, Extreme ranks of (skew-)Hermitian solutions to a quaternion matrix equation, Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 20 (2010) 552–573.

116. Israr Ali Khan, Q.W. Wang, G.J. Song, Minimal ranks of some quaternion matrix expressions with applications, Appl. Math. Comput., 217 (2010) 2031–2040.

117. Q.W. Wang, C.Z. Dong, Positive solutions to a system of adjointable operator equations over Hilbert C*-modules, Linear Algebra Appl., 433 (2010) 1481–1489.

118. Q.W. Wang, Z. C. Wu, Common Hermitian solutions to some operator equations on Hilbert C*-modules, Linear Algebra Appl., 432 (2) (2010) 3159–3171.

119. H.X. Chang, Q.W. Wang, G.J. Song, (R, S)-conjugate solution to a pair of linear matrix equations, Appl. Math. Comput., 217 (2010) 73–82.

120. Q.W. Wang, S. W. Yu, Extreme ranks of real matrices in solution of the quaternion matrix equation AXB=C with applications, Algebra Colloq., 17 (2) (2010) 345–360.

121. Q.W. Wang, J. W. van der Woude, H.X. Chang, A system of real quaternion matrix equations with applications, Linear Algebra Appl., 431 (2009) 2291–2303.

122. Q.W. Wang, H.S. Zhang, G.J. Song, A new solvable condition for a pair of generalized Sylvester equations, Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 18 (2009) 289–301.

123. Q.W. Wang, S.W. Yu, The real solution to a system of quaternion matrix equations with applications, Commun. Algebra, 37 (6) (2009) 2060–2079.

124. Q.W. Wang, C.K. Li, Ranks and the least-norm of the general solution to a system of quaternion matrix equations, Linear Algebra Appl., 430 (2009) 1626–1640.

125. Q.W. Wang, H.S. Zhang, S.W. Yu, On the real and pure imaginary solutions to the quaternion matrix equation AXB+CYD=E, Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 17 (2008) 343–358.

126. Q.W. Wang, G.J. Song, Maximal and minimal ranks of the common solution of some linear matrix equations over an arbitrary division ring with applications, Algebra Colloq., 16 (2) (2009) 293–308.

127. Q.W. Wang, F. Zhang, The reflexive re-nonnegative definite solution to a quaternion matrix equation, Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 17 (2008) 88–101.

128. Q.W. Wang, G.J. Song, C.Y. Lin, Rank equalities related to the generalized inverse with applications, Appl. Math. Comput., 205 (2008) 370–382.

129. Q.W. Wang, H.X. Chang and Q. Ning, The common solution to six quaternion matrix equations with applications, Appl. Math. Comput., 198 (2008) 209–226.

130. Q.W. Wang, H.X. Chang, etc., P- (skew)symmetric common solutions to a pair of quaternion matrix equations, Appl. Math. Comput., 195 (2008) 721–732.

131. Q.W. Wang, S.W. Yu, etc., Extreme ranks of a linear quaternion matrix expression subject to triple quaternion matrix equations with applications, Appl. Math. Comput., 195 (2008) 733–744.

132. Q.W. Wang, H.X. Chang, etc., On the centro-symmetric solution of a system of matrix equations over a regular ring with identity, Algebra Colloq., 14 (4) (2007) 555–570.

133. Q.W. Wang, G.J. Song, etc., Extreme ranks of the solution to a consistent system of linear quaternion matrix equations with an application, Appl. Math. Comput., 189 (2007) 1517–1532.

134. Q.W. Wang, F. Qin, A system of matrix equations over regular rings, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 38(6) (2007) 517–532.

135. Q.W. Wang, Z.C. Wu, etc., Extremal ranks of a quaternion matrix expression subject to consistent system of quaternion matrix equations with applications, Appl. Math. Comput., 182 (2006) 1755–1764.

136. Q.W. Wang, The general solution to a system of real quaternion matrix equations, Comput. Math. Appl., 49/5-6 (2005) 665–675.

137. Q.W. Wang, Bisymmetric and centrosymmetric solutions to systems of real quaternion matrix equations, Comput. Math. Appl., 49/5-6 (2005) 641–650.

138. Q.W. Wang, A system of four matrix equations over von Neumann regular rings and its applications, Acta Math Sinica, English Series, 21 (2) (2005) 323–334.

139. Q.W. Wang, F. Qin etc., The common solution to matrix equations over a regular ring with applications, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 36 (12) (2005) 655–672.

140. Q.W. Wang, A system of matrix equations and a linear matrix equation over arbitrary regular rings with identity, Linear Algebra Appl., 384 (2004) 43–54.

141. Q.W. Wang, J.H. Sun and S.Z. Li, Consistency for bi(skew)symmetric solutions to systems of generalized Sylvester equations over a finite central algebra, Linear Algebra Appl., 353 (2002) 169–182.



Selected Research Projects (2007-Present)

1.     2020-2023, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Project Director.

2.     2016-2019, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Project Director.

3.     2012-2015, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Project Director.

4.     2013-2015, the Key Project of Scientific Research Innovation Foundation of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Project Director.

5.     2012-2014, the Discipline Project at the corresponding level of Shanghai, Project Director.

6.     2011-2014, the National Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai, Project Director.

7.     2010-2012, the Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China, Project Director.

8.     2011-2012, Magnolia Science and Technological Talent Foundation of Shanghai, Project Director.

9.     2009-2011, the Scientific Research Innovation Foundation of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Project Director.

10. 2009-2010, the 2010 President’s Faculty Research and Development Grant FY 2010 Competition, USA (Co-PI).  

11. 2007-2009, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Project Director.

12. 2007-03-2007-09, the International Cooperation Program (NWO of the Netherlands), Project Director.

13. 2007, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Project Director.


Selected Activities

1. Chair of "The 2020 Chinese Higher Education Association’s Committee for Education Mathematics Conference", Online, China, Nov 28, 2020.

2. Chair of "The 2019 Chinese Higher Education Association's Committee for Education Mathematics Conference" held at Yangzhou University, China, July 29-August 31, 2019.

3. Member of the scientific organizing committee of "2019 International Workshop on Matrices and Operators" held at Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, China, July 23-27, 2019.

4. Member of the scientific organizing committee of "The 8th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and Applications (ICMAA 2019)" held at University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), Nevada, USA, July 15-18, 2019.

5. Member of the scientific organizing committee of the invited mini-symposium Matrix Inequalities and Matrix Equations for "The 2019 International Linear Algebra Society Conference (ILAS 2019)" held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 8-12, 2019.

6. Member of the scientific organizing committee of "2019 International Conference on Matrix Theory with Applications: Combinatorics, Optimization & Data Analysis" held at Jeju, Korea, May 23-27, 2019.

7. Chair of "2019 International Conference on Matrix Inequalities and Matrix Equations" held at Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin, China, 7-10 June, 2019.

8. Chair of "2018 China-Korea International Conference on Matrix Theory with Applications- IRCTMT-AORC Joint Meeting (ICMTA2018)", held at Shanghai University, December 17-20, 2018.

9. Chair of "2018 International Conference on Matrix Inequalities and Matrix Equations" held at Shanghai University, China, 8-10 June, 2018.

10. Member of the scientific organizing committee of "2018 International Workshop on Matrices and Operators", held at Shanghai University, China, June 15-18, 2018.

11. Member of the scientific organizing committee of "The 7th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and Applications" held at Shinshu University, Nagano-Engineering Campus that is located in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, June 22-25, 2018.

12. Member of the scientific organizing committee of "The 13th International Conference of China Matrix Theory and its Applications" held at Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China, August 17-22, 2018.

13. Member of the scientific organizing committee of the special session Matrix Analysis and its Applications for "The 3rd Pacific Rim Mathematical Association Congress (PRIMA2017)" held at Oaxaca, Mexico, August 14-18, 2017.

14. Member of the scientific organizing committee of "The workshop of Matrix Equations and Related Topics" (A satellite conference to PRIMA 2017) held at Mathematics Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico, August 11-13, 2017.

15. Member of the scientific organizing committee of the mini-symposium Solving Matrix Equations for "The 2017 International Linear Algebra Society Conference (ILAS 2017)" held at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA, July 24-28, 2017.

16. Member of the scientific organizing committee of "The 6th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and Applications", held at Duy Tan University, Vietnam, June 15-18, 2017.

17. Chair of "2017 International Workshop on Matrix Inequalities and Matrix Equations" held at Shanghai University, China, 6-8 June, 2017.

18. Member of the scientific organizing committee of "2017 Korea-China International Conference on Matrix Theory with Applications- AORC-IRCTMT Joint Meeting (ICMTA2017)", held at Sungkyunkwan University Suwon, Korea, December 14-17, 2017

19. Chair of "2016 China-Korea International Conference on Matrix Theory with Applications-IRCTMT-AORC Joint Meeting (ICMTA2016)" held at Shanghai University,  Shanghai, China, December 28-31, 2016

20. Chair of "2016 International Workshop on Matrix Inequalities and Matrix Equations" held at Shanghai University, China, 8-10 June, 2016.

21. Chair of "2016 International Workshop on Tensor and Matrix with Applications" held at Shanghai University, China, 18-19 May, 2016.

22. Member of the Academic committee of "International conference on Tensor, Matrix and their applications" held at Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin, ChinaMay 20-24, 2016.

23. Member of the scientific organizing committee of "The 5th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and Applications" held at Nova Southeastern University, Florida, USA, December 17–20, 2015

24. Member of the scientific organizing committee of the special session Computer Algebra Methods for Matrices over Rings  for "Applications of Computer Algebra" held at Kalamata, Greece, July 20-23, 2015.

25. Chair of "2015 International Workshop on Matrix Inequalities and Matrix Equations" held at Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, 28-30 June, 2015.

26. Chair of "2014 Shanghai International Conference on Matrix Analysis and Applications (SICMAA2014)" held at Shanghai University, China, Dec.14-16.

27. Chair of "2013 Shanghai International Conference on Matrix Analysis and Applications (SICMAA2013)" held at Shanghai University, China, Dec.27-29, 2013.

28. Member of The scientific organizing committee of "The 4th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and Applications"held at Konya, Turkey, July 2-5, 2013.

29. Chair of "2012 International Conference on Coding, Cryptography and Matrix Theory" held at Shanghai, Dec 14-16, 2012.

30. Chair of "International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography" held at Shanghai, May 11-13, 2012.

31. Member of the scientific organizing committee of the "The 7th workshop on Matrices and Operators" held at Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, July 13-16, 2012.

32. Chair of local organization of The 9th International Conference on Matrix Theory and its Applications, held at Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, July 19-22, 2010.

33. Chair of Program Committee of "International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography" held at Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, China, August 16-21, 2010

34. Chair of local organization committee of "2009 Shanghai International Conference on Matrix Theory" held at Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, July 14-15, 2009.

35. Member of Scientific organizing committee of "The 3rd International Workshop on Matrix Analysis and Applications" held at Linan, Zhejiang, ChinaJuly 9-13, 2009.

36. Systems of quaternion matrix and tensor equations with applications, "Conference on Tensor, hypergraph theory and its application" held at Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu, China, May 14-17, 2021. (Plenary talk)

37. An Introduction to Hamilton Quaternions and Matrices of Quaternions, "SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (LA21)" held at New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S., May 17-21, 2021. (contributed talk)

38. The Common Solution of 17 Quaternion Matrix Equations, "Workshop on Quaternion Matrices and Their Applications in Engineering" held at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China, Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 2020. (Plenary talk)

39. The restricted singular value decomposition of a tensor over the quaternion algebra-"The 2019 International Linear Algebra Society Conference (ILAS 2019)" held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 8-12, 2019. (invited talk in the invited mini-symposium Matrix Inequalities and Matrix Equations)

40. The solvability and general solution of a system of quaternion matrix equations, "The 2019 International Linear Algebra Society Conference (ILAS 2019)" held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 8-12, 2019. (invited talk in mini-symposium symbolic-numeric methods in Matrix Theory)

41. The new developments of Sylvester-like quaternion matrix equations with applications, "The 8th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and Applications (ICMAA 2019)" held at University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), Nevada, USA, July 15-18, 2019. (invited talk)

42. The Sylvester-like matrix equations with applications, "International Conference on Matrix Theory and Applications: Combinatorics, Optimization & Data Analysis-2019 Joint Conference of AORC-IRCTMT-IDEaS" held at Jeju National University Jeju, Korea, May23-27, 2019. (invited talk)

43. A tensor quaternion equation with application, "2019 International Workshop on Matrices and Operators" held at Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, China, July 23-27, 2019. (invited talk)

44. The new investigation on system of linear equations, "The 2019 Chinese Higher Education Association's Committee for Education Mathematics Conference" held at Yangzhou University, China, July 29-August 31, 2019. (invited talk)

45. Some developments of Sylvester-type matrix equations over an arbitrary division ring-2017 Korea-China International Conference on Matrix Theory with Applications-AORC-IRCTMT Joint Meeting (ICMTA2017), held at Sungkyunkwan University Suwon, KoreaDecember 14-17, 2017. (invited talk)

46. Decompositions of matrices over an arbitrary division algebra with applications-2017 Workshop on Operators and Matrices, held at Hunan University, Changsha, China, June 9 - 12, 2017. (invited talk)

47. On A system of quaternion matrix equations with applications – The workshop of Matrix Equations and Related Topics, held at Mathematics Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico, August 11-13, 2017. (Plenary talk)

48. Decompositions of some matrices over an arbitrary division ring with applications- The 3rd Pacific Rim Mathematical Association Congress, held at Oaxaca, Mexico, August 14-18, 2017. (invited talk in the Session Matrix Analysis and its Applications)

49. A system of quaternion matrix equations with applications - The 3rd International Congress in Algebras and Combinatorics (ICAC 2017), held at Hong Kong, August 25-28, 2017. (invited talk)

50. Some systems of Sylvester-like matrix equations over an arbitrary division ring -The 2017 International Linear Algebra Society Conference (ILAS 2017), held at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA, July 24-28, 2017. (Invited talk in the mini-symposium Solving Matrix Equations)

51. The investigations on some Sylvester-type matrix equations-The 6th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and Applications, held at Duy Tan University, Danang city, Vietnam, June 15-18, 2017. (invited talk)

52. Sylvester-type matrix equations and simultaneous decompositions for some sets of matrices-International conference on Tensor, Matrix and their applications, held at Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, May 20-24, 2016. (invited talk)

53. Simultaneous decompositions for some sets of matrices over an arbitrary division ring –The 5th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and Applications, held at Nova Southeastern University, Florida, USA, December 17–20, 2015. (invited talk)

54. Systems of coupled generalized Sylvester matrix equations-The 19th International Linear Algebra Society Conference (ILAS 2014), held in Korea, August 6-9, 2014. (invited talk in the Session Solution of Sylvester-like equations and canonical forms)

55. Systems of coupled generalized Sylvester matrix equations-The workshop of numerical algebra in Peking University, China, Nov. 2-5, 2013. (Plenary talk)

56. Some new developments of matrix equations-The 7th workshop on Matrices and Operators, held at Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, July 13-16, 2012. (Invited talk)

57. On the eigenvalues of quaternion matrices - The 9th International Conference on Matrix Theory and its Applications, Shanghai, China, July 19-22, 2010. (Plenary talk)

58. A system of real quaternion matrix equations with applications-International Conference in Mathematics and Application, Bangkok, Thailand, December 17-19, 2009. (Invited talk)

59. Linear matrix equations with applications, International Conference on Algebra and Geometry, Royal Phuket, Thailand, 2009, Dec. 20-22, 2009. (Invited talk)

60. Systems of linear matrix equations-The 3rd International Workshop on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Linan, China, July 9-13, 2009. (Plenary talk)

61. The investigations of quaternion matrix equations with applications-The International Conference on Algebra and Related Topics, Guangzhou, June 24-27, 2009. (Invited talk)

62. The reflexive Re-positive definite solution to a system of quaternion matrix equations-The Second International Workshop on Successful Strategies in Supply Chain Management, Hong Kong, January 8-9, 2009. (Invited talk)

63. Rank method and systems of linear quaternion matrix equations-The 8th Chinese Matrix Theory and Applications International Conference, Taiyuan, July 2008. (Invited talk)

64. (P,Q)-(skew)symmetric solutions to a pair of matrix equations over the Hamilton quaternion algebra-The 14th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society, Shanghai, July 2007.

65. Extremal ranks of a quaternion matrix expression subject to consistent systems of quaternion matrix equations with applications-The 9th Chinese Conference of Algebra, Xiamen, China, October 2006.

66. Representations of some matrices and systems of matrix equations over noncommutative rings -International workshop, Shanghai, March 2005. (Invited talk)

67. Various solutions to a system of generalized Sylvester matrix equations over a finite dimensional central algebra-The 8th Chinese Conference of Algebra, Huangshan, October 2004.

68. Solvable conditions to a system of generalized Sylvester matrix equations over a finite dimensional central algebra-International Congress of Mathematicians, Beijing, August 2002.



1.   2019.04-present, member of the Scientific Advisory Board of The Applied algebra and Optimization Research Center which was established at Sunkyunkwan University and funded by National Research Foundation of Korea and the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning of Korea.

2.   2018.07-present, President of the Chinese Higher Education Association’s Specialized Committee for Education Mathematics.

3.   2005.05-2018.11, Head of Department of Mathematics, Shanghai University

4.   2016.05-present, Director of International Research Center for Tensor and Matrix Theory of Shanghai University

5.   2008.05-present, Executive Director of the Institute of Core Mathematics in Shanghai University

6.   2009.06-present, Executive Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Coding & Cryptography in Shanghai University

7.    Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews

8.    Reviewer for Zentralblatt Math

9.    Member of editorial boards of the following mathematical journals:

l  Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation

l  Editor-in-Chief of Advances in Linear Algebra & Matrix Theory

l  Mathematics

l  Symmetry

l  Annals of Functional Analysis

l  Special Matrices

l  FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series Mathematics and Informatics

l  JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications

l  Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation

l  Abstract and Applied Analysis

l  Journal of Applied Mathematics

l  Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (GJPAM)

l  Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics (ATAM)

l  Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences

l  Journal for Algebra and Number Theory Academia

l  International Journal of Pure Mathematics

l  Advances in Pure Mathematics

l  Advances in Mathematical Sciences Journal 

l  Pure Mathematics

l  ISRN Computational Mathematics

l  Universal Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

l  Surveys in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

l  Advances in Applied Mathematical Analysis (AAMA)

l  Advances in Algebra (AA)

l  International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematical Sciences (IJPAMS)

l  Global Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (GJMMS)

l  Global Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematical Sciences (GJTAMS)

l  International Journal of Statistics and Analysis (IJSA)

l  Pioneer Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and its Applications

10.        Council member of Chinese Higher Education Society

11.        Council member of Shanghai Mathematics Society

12.        Member of ICCM Individual Membership for Chinese mathematicians, and ICCM Cooperative Membership

13.        Refereeing and reviewing for the following international academic journals:

1)   Acta Math. Appl. Sinica (English Series)

2)   Acta Math. Sinica

3)   Acta Mathematica Scientia

4)   Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras

5)   Advances in Differential Equations

6)   Advances in Pure Mathematics

7)   Algebra Colloquium

8)   Applied Mathematics and Computation

9)   Applied Mathematics Letters

10) Applied Numerical Mathematics

11) Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

12) Automatica

13) Asian Journal of Control

14) Asian-European Journal of Mathematics

15) Bulletin of Iranian Mathematical Society

16) Bulletin of the Belgian Math. Soc. Simon Stevin

17) Chinese Advanced in Mathematics

18) Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B

19) Communications in Mathematical Research

20) Computational & Applied Mathematics

21) Computers & Mathematics with Applications

22) CUBO, A Mathematical Journal

23) Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

24) Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra

25) Facta Universitatis, Series Mathematics and Informatics


27) Frontiers of Mathematics in China

28) Houston Journal of Mathematics

29) IET Control Theory and Applications

30) IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information

31) IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis

32) Indian J. Pure Appl. Math.

33) International Journal of Computer Mathematics

34) International Journal of Systems Science

35) Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics

36) Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science

37) Journal for Algebra and Number Theory Academia

38) Journal of Algebra and Its Applications

39) Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics

40) Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

41) Journal of Differential Equations

42) Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics

43) Journal of Internet and Information Systems

44) Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications.

45) Journal of Mathematical Inequalities

46) Journal of Multivariate Analysis

47) Journal of Systems Science and Complexity

48) Journal of Vibration and Control

49) Linear Algebra and Its Applications

50) Linear and Multilinear Algebra

51) Mathematical Inequalities & Applications

52) Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences

53) Mathematical Modelling and Analysis

54) Mathematical Problems in Engineering

55) Metrika

56) Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences

57) Natural Science Foundation of China

58) Northeast. Math. J.

59) Numerical Algorithms

60) Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications

61) Open Mathematics

62) Operators and Matrices

63) Pacific Journal of Mathematics


65) Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen

66) Pure Mathematics

67) Quantum Information Processing

68) Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas (RACSAM

69) Result in Mathematics

70) Science China Mathematics

71) SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

72) Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics

73) Studies in Mathematical Sciences

74) The Journal of the Franklin Institute

75) Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control



Instruction for candidates of PhD Students

Basic Conditions Examinees should possess the deep-set fundament of algebra and matrix theory.

Subjects for the entrance examination

    Choose any two among the following:

  • Matrix Algebra   Reference: Fuzhen Zhang, Matrix Theory--Basic Results and Techniques, Springer-Verlag New York INc., Second Edition, 2011.
  • Matrix Analysis Reference: Roger A. Horn and Charles R. Johnson, Matrix AnalysisPosts & Telecom Press, Second Edition, 2015.
  • Algebra Reference: T.W. Hungerford, Algebra, Springer-Verlag New York INc., Second Edition, 1980.

Some Links

²   Shanghai University

²   Department of Mathematics, Shanghai University

²  International Research Center for Tensor and Matrix Theory of Shanghai University (IRCTMT)

²  Applied Algebra and Optimization Research Center (AORC),
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea

²   Homepage of Delin Chu

²   Homepage of Chi-Kwong Li

²   Homepage of Liqun Qi

²   Homepage of Michael Kwok-Po NG

²   Homepage of Tin-Yau Tam

²    Homepage of Fuzhen Zhang


²   Wikipedia

²   Excelent Course of Shanghai

²   SIAM Journals

²   Mathematics Journals on the Web

²   Front for the Mathematics ArXiv(Preprints)

²   ArXiv

²   MathSearch

²   Mathematical Preprints

²   Math World

²   Acta Math. Sinica


²   Automatica

² Linear Algebra and its Applications

² SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

²    Some International Mathematics Journals

²    Math culture, career, etc.Various interesting articles can be found  here

²    Problems and Solutions——here

²    ILAS Publications

²   Linear Algebra Related Conferences

²   AMS Mathematics Subject Classification

²   Abbreviations of Names of Serials

²  Tex mathematical symbols

²  Mathematics Genealogy

²  American Mathematical Society

²  MathSciNet

²   Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

²   International Linear Algebra Society

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