1. N.Gao, S.Koenig, Grade, dominant dimension and Gorenstein algebras, J. Algebra 427(2015), 118-141.
2 . N.Gao, Stable t-structures and homotopy category of Gorenstein-projective modules, J. Algebra 324(9)(2010), 2503-2511.
3. N.Gao, P.Zhang, Gorenstein derived categories, J. Algebra 323(2010), 2041-2057.
4. N.Gao, S.Koenig, Double centraliser property and morphism categories,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 144(3)(2016), 971-981.
5. N.Gao, Recollements of Gorenstein derived categories, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140(1)(2012), 147-152.
6. N.Gao, C.Psaroudakis, Gorenstein homological aspects of monomorphism categories via Morita rings, Algebra Represent. Theory 20(2)(2017), 487-529.
7. N.Gao, Y.Q.Yin, P.Zhang, Comparisons of left recollements, Algebra Represent. Theory 20(3) (2017), 659-673.
8. N.Gao, Hopf extensions of CM-finite Artin algebras, Algebra Represent. Theory 16(3)(2013), 605-613.
9. N.Gao, C.Psaroudakis, Ladders of compactly generated triangulated categories and preprojective algebras, Applied Categorical Structures 26(4)(2018), 657-679.
10. N.Gao, A smashing subcategory of the homotopy category of Gorenstein projective modules, Applied Categorical Structures 23(2015), 87-91.
11. N.Gao, Gorensteinness, homological invariants and Gorenstein derived categories, Sci. China Math. 60(3) (2017), 431-438.
12. N.Gao, On homotopy categories of Gorenstein modules: compact generation and dimensions, Homology, Homotopy and Applications 17(2)(2015), 13-24.
13. N.Gao, Auslander-Reiten triangles on Gorenstein derived categories, Comm. Algebra 40(10) (2012), 3912-3919.
14. N.Gao, P.Zhang, Strongly Gorenstein projective modules over triangular matrix Artin algebras, Comm. Algebra 12(2009),4259-4268.
15. N.Gao, X.J.Xu, Homological epimorphisms, compactly generated t-structures and Gorenstein-projective modules, Chin. Ann. Math. 39B(1)( 2018), 47-58.
16. N.Gao, The relative transpose over Cohen-Macaulay finite Artin algebras, Chin. Ann. Math. 30B(3)(2009), 231-238.
18. N.Gao, Symmetries in Yetter-Drinfeld categories over weak Hopf algebras, Acta. Math. Sci. 28B(4) (2008), 870-876.
19. R.X.Li, M.T.Liu, N.Gao, Algebraic K-theory of Gorenstein projective modules, Front.Math.China 13(1)(2018),55-66.
20. M.T.Liu, R.X.Li, N.Gao, Morphism categories of Gorenstein-projective modules, Algebra Colloq. 25(3)(2018), 377-386.